When did you last really hurt yourself? 

When was the last time you had to take a bandaid off? When was the last time you hurt yourself? And by hurt, I don’t mean pulled a groin, but actually took some skin off and had to get it covered up? 

Think about it. Unless you chopped a finger off whilst cooking, it was probably quite some time ago right? 

Ok, so bit of a weird subject I’ll grant you that, but bear with.

I take inspiration from everything around me. I get inspired by seeing something and writing about it. Or I get inspired by watching anything (real life or tv) and wonder how to turn it into a trainings exercise. I get inspired by watching my two boys run around like mentalists and have to remind myself that this Triathlon adventure I’m on at the moment, was meant to be fun too! This blog then…. I was watching a CBBC documentary (it wasn’t….) called B!NG for about the 47 millionth time. 

To save you the same pain I’ve had in trying to learn about these characters, I won’t explain them to you 😉 You can thank me later 😀 In this episode however, they were playing doctors and nurses and they placed a fake bandaid on one of said characters. They went to take it off and realised it was going to hurt like hell. Long story short they eventually peeled it off and it started bringing back memories. One in particular when I had somehow shredded all the skin off my knee. To this day I can remember a) the raw skin and how gross it was and b)how much it hurt peeling the big bandaid off!  

Can you remember when you last had to grit your teeth and whip off a plaster? Either way, my points not about the plaster. It’s about the different levels of pain we as adults go through to that of our children. Obviously accidents can happen. Bike accidents might be when you now more likely hurt yourself, but I’m talking about those non life threatening but hurt like hell moments. 

Think about it. When was the last time you fell over and grazed your knee? When was the last time you were laid up because you pulled something? 

Yea, getting old sucks huh? BUT, it’s also possibly because when you’re younger you really push the envelope of what’s possible. You step out of your comfort zone and you get hurt. You heal more quickly as a kid, but importantly you try new things. You see what happens if you scoot off a wall to a sandy beach. You see what rocks taste like. You see if you can climb a slippery log. And you learn what’s possible or not.

So, before we see people just randomly falling all over the place and before we see a surge in bandaid (remember, I’m American, I know you Brits call them plasters… that’s a debate for another day) sales. Next time you go out training, push yourself that bit further. Run that route you don’t normally do because it’s hard. Shove your mate face first into a cow pat when your stopping for a breath. Wait, no, that’s a different game entirely., but quite fun. Anyway, I digress.

Basically, have fun. Be a kid again. Push yourself. You never know, you may actually enjoy it!!

(But don’t go out there to physically hurt yourself intentionally… that would not be good advice!). 😀

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