Training diets – they’re a minefield

What’s in your food?!

When I tell people I’m a veggie (or pescatarian to be precise, which I only found out recently was actually a thing!), they always seem surprised. I’m 6’6 and about 14.5 stone and they just don’t believe it. On a flight to Canada recently when my veggie meal came round, they asked who I’d swapped seats with to give them their meal. They didn’t believe me.

What typically follows is all sorts of advice on why I shouldn’t just be eating veg or why you need to eat meat. Suddenly everyone becomes a nutritionist. Where does our energy come from. Where do you get your protein etc. My answer is normally something along the lines of where do you get yours? Unless you’re a honed athlete or nutritionist, you probably don’t know right?

Do you make your own food? Or do you take pre made meals/ supplements / shakes?
Do you know what’s in them? Not what they’re meant for or to do, but what’s actually in them?

You trust the packaging because it tells you what you want to hear. But as my three year old would say,”what’s insiiide?”

As a newcomer to the sport of triathlons, I could be fooled into thinking that everyone seems to only get their goodness from shakes & meat (and kale 😉 and then race day / training is all about energy gel bars / packets etc. I mean every magazine has a smoothie recipe of some description each month which is normally delicious… But otherwise I seem to read a lot about meat based recipes or see people all over Instagram nailing some sort of processed shake post workout. 

Same goes for gel energy boosters. Surely there’s something good we could make oursleves instead (I discovered there is if you look hard enough!)? 

So where does all our good stuff come from?

I’m not preaching all high and mighty as if I know exactly what I get out of my food, I just try to eat as healthily as possible and give my body what it’s asking for. With triathlon training in mind however I needed to do some research and cut out the snacks!

How convenient then that for Christmas I was given the Thrive cookbook, which is a plant based nutritional cookbook. Not a boring text book style theory book you might have had in college, but a book full of inspiration and recipes to get you through a day. 

This is not a plug, I just think it’s genius. 

Brendan, the author, talks about the similarity of not eating properly, or filling your day with coffees and quick fixes to having a credit card debt. Each time you have a quick fix, you’ve not yet paid it off (exercised for example) before you NEED your next fix and therefor build up a debt of wasted energy. Whereas if you eat properly with natural nutrients, you’ll carry on all day long, eating only what you need to get by. It’s a really simple analogy, but makes so much sense.

So my plan? To test all of these delicious recipes for sure, but also to try to understand more what I’m getting out of my food in 2016 and what I need to keep me going throughout the day without all the rubbish snacking thatbinpreviouskynconsumed! 

Eating well should be the rule, not the exception.

Well, that’s the plan anyway 😉

Happy 2016

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  1. Dicky MP January 25, 2016

    Would love to know how you get on… I’ve just really started my Triathlon journey, embarking on a few Sprints last year with no training resulting in hiring a swim coach and following a program.

    I’ve started tracking my food on MyFitnessPal which is brilliant and you can set it how you want too..

    • Rachel Curtis January 28, 2016

      What a good idea to record foods on MyFitnessPal – I used it a few years back for wedding dress dieting (calorie counting) but actually it’d be great for breaking down how much protein, carbs etc you’re taking in and nutritional values. I’m going to get it now and start tracking.

      Good luck with your training. Has hiring a swim coach helped? I think I need to get one, or at least a few sessions with one.

      Btw this is Rach, I’ll get Matt (who wrote the post) to let you know how he’s getting on with his food stuff later.

  2. Dicky MP January 28, 2016

    I have my Garmin connected to MyFitnessPal and it automatically adds the cals burnt to your daily cal count so you can see when you’ve worked hard and what scope you have for eating more on training days.

    The swim coach is amazing, I went from struggling to swim 50m FS to doing sets with 400M FS with no issues, it feels amazing when you get that perfect stroke in..

    Hi Rach, I’m Dicky

    • Tripals January 29, 2016 — Post Author

      Great idea Dicky! I don’t use any monitors other than strava at the mo, so I’m gonna check out myfitnesspal. Nice one!

      The plant based diet has done me well so far, and actually snack less than I used to. Given I’m doing way more exercise I think that’s a good sign 😉
      Definitely check out the book Thrive if you want to give it a go. The foods delicious and keeps you going.

      What tri have you entered?
      Good luck with the training!

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